Frequently Asked Questions
Placing orders
How to find a product in the store?
  • A. Use the search bar at the top of the page and type in the name of the product, brand or phone model.
  • B. By typing in the search bar and clicking ENTER / Search you will get all the results matching your query.
  • C. By browsing our MENU (at the top of the page) you can see all the general categories, as well as the categories of producers and models in the case of goods that fit a specific phone. If you can't find the phone model you are looking for, use the search engine (B).
In order to report a product that should be available in our offer, please use the form available at this address: New product demand.
How can I browse by phone model?
Use the search bar at the top of the page and type in the name of the phone model. You can also use the menu at the top of the page and select the phone model from the list of producers. (Only most popular models are listed in the menu).

Additionally, you can use the list of most popular models.
How to check product warranty?
Product's warranty is listed in the product's description on the product's page.

You can also check the warranty in the new complaint page.
Jaka jest minimalna wartość zamówienia?
Nie ma minimalnej wartości zamówienia.
Whats the shipment cost?
Current information about shipment cost is available on the Delivery information page.
RMA / Complaints
General rules of complaints
  • All informations about time of warranty You will find in the description of products on our website.
  • Only GSMOK is authorized to provide service and make replacements.
  • Warranty includes all defects which are found in device.
  • Policy for defects & warranty(s) does not cover damage or malfunction due to accident, unprofessional installation, poor or improper installation, non-compatability, negligence, external electrical fault, misuse or abuse. Sale items, special orders, electrical items, covers, housings, data cables, data kits, any software products have no warranty, guarantees and are not returnable, in other words the sale is final. GSMOK is not responsible for incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty. GSMOK Company is not responsible under any other legal theory, including, but not limited to lost profits.
  • After repair, we will ship product by UPS company.
  • User is responsible for all shipping costs of all merchandise returned to us for exchange or warranty repairs.
  • Shipping costs are refundable, but only on the condition sending packages by UPS Company.
  • Warranty does not contain exploitation parts (cables, connectors, testpoints etc.)
  • Buyer is loosing his warranty when:
    • product has got damaged the warranty stickers
    • damages which are written in p. 4
    • there are signs that product has been fixed by someone else
  • Remember to check compatibility with your system by visiting manufacturers website. We dont take any responsibility and will not accept returns for item which are not compatible with Your system.
  • As an international customer You are responsible for any duties or taxes that may apply. We can not be responsible for any tariffs, customs restrictions, or other regulations that apply in countries outside the Poland. We encourage You to speak with Your customer office if You have any questions. Since we can not collect any duties or taxes from You and do not know how much they will cost You.
  • In case of mechanical damage products occur during transport You have to fill „Damage protocol” with courier during delivery. Original protocol together with damaged product have to be send to us as soon as possible. „Damage protocol” is condition of positive response to the complaint of defective product.
How to place a RMA complaint?
Sign in to your account and go to the new complaint page. Select the product you want to complain about and fill in the form.
Whats the address for RMA complaints?
Your RMA complaint should be sent to the following address:
Przasnyska 6B,
01-756 Warsaw, Poland.
With the note: GSMOK - RMA.
We do not accept packages sent with cash on delivery.
How to check the status of my RMA complaint?
After signing in to your account, go to the USER PANEL tab, then click Complaints. After expanding the tab, click: Reported, In progress, or Completed.

In progress
The list of all completed complaints is available in the Reports tab (User Panel - Complaints).
What if I'm not satisfied with the complaints outcome?
In that case, please contact your sales representative, or contact us at
Ask us a question
By sending this message you agree to the processing of your personal data (email address) for the purpose of handling the request, and to contact our customer service department. The email address provided will not be used for marketing purposes.
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