Useful informations about making orders

First You have to be register.

- You can make order in Products section. After finding correct product You can add it to the cart. You need to write quantity, and then click "BUY" button. Choosen product will appear in Your cart.
- Please remember that in any moment you are able to check what You already ordered - by clicking on "cart" button on the right side.
- While adding products to the cart you are not obligate to realise the order - You are still able to delete this, or remove some of the product from the cart before confirmation.
- If You want to add more products to your cart, you just need to choose another product and add it the the cart.
- To realise our order you need to click "Checkout" button in the cart and next go throught the instructions.
- After sending order you will receive two emails from our e-store (one with order and one with the invoice).
- When we send order to the client we always add invoice or receipt. This document needs to be kept by client in case of complaint.

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